dressed without hormones.

The doctor was a very beautiful woman. She explained there were lot's of men cross dressing everyday, and there were procedures to help them. She said, "The pills Lee received won't make any great changes, just make him more comfortable and add an inch or two, here and there."

I was startled, "I don't want breasts, if that's what you mean? I only came to look...I mean...find out things."

"Well, Lee's been on the therapy for about a month and he only has slightly budding breasts. It depends on a lot of aspects, but depending on your test results and hormone levels, you probably won't gain more than an inch on the bust and hips. You'll still need padding but you'll be more contented dressed as a girl. If you like your new appearance, come back before the last month of school, and I'll give you a strong long acting injection. Then, you'd probably need a bra by late June and be fully developed by mid July. Let me give you a few tests."

After the tests, Lee said, "Chris you'll love your new appearance."

"Oh no, I don't want to," I cried. We'll look silly with breasts. All the guys will laugh."

"The guys are only going to laugh if you're flat! C'mon, I'll hold your hand."

The doctor gave me some pills. "I've made them a little more potent than Lee's, because you've less time to blossom."

On the way home, Lee handed me one and said, "Take one and see what it's like." I did. The next morning, I was sick to my stomach; Lee said it was a side effect and would go away. It did. Lee convinced me to take them daily.

By March break, my body had changed a bit. I'd gained an inch around my hips, and my nipples were surrounded by a softness. I saw the beginning of cleavage. I wouldn't be sharing the showers in the locker room for awhile. The hormones caused a pudginess of my behind and legs, everything was rounder. At this point I wanted to stop taking the hormones, but Lee encouraged me to continue, one day at a time.

We continued to wear the "cache" garments and had graduated to the "negotiator." It was also disabling for awhile until we got used to it. One morning, after a shower, I was hooking it up. Mrs. Sargent was right, this formally constraining garment now was comfortable. I wondered if it stretched or if I was losing sensitivity. I hoped it was the former. Some of my clothes had to be taken in at the waist


but my hips seemed to be broadening.

Our fingernails had grown, and were now even longer and more graceful looking. All the little changes were beginning to add up.

I was relieved when my mother called and canceled our Easter plans. She said, "You know how important being a Senators wife is, my time just isn't my own."

In April, Lee and I went to the doctor's for our final examination. As we sat in the waiting room Lee said, "I hope he doesn't keep us waiting long."

I asked Lee why he always referred to Dr. Stephens as a he. Lee admitted that Dr. Stephens was a man. I couldn't believe it.

Inside, we both undressed. Because of our weight loss, we both looked thin and delicate, almost fragile. You could count our ribs. Our pouting small breasts had erect bloated nipples. Our slim waists flared into hips that showed a promise of fullness. Our bodies now looked like those of teenaged girls.

The doctor gave us physicals and gave us a clean bill of health.

I asked if the tenderness of my nipples was normal. "The tenderness will go away. That's the effect of the pills. But the swelling won't. I told you that you might experience, shall I say, embarrassment. It's a little late now. Your secondary sexual characteristics are changing to a female's. Are you sorry you have them?"

I didn't know how to answer. It was all so different. After the exam, the doctor told us our alternatives. "You both are developing nicely, you can continue with the pills and be slightly more feminized over the summer or a estrogen pellet injection, that would slowly release a strong dose of female hormone for the next 4-5 months. This implant will suppress your maleness for the next few months. Hormonally, you would be girls."

Every nerve in my body tingled with anxiety. What was I doing even thinking about converting my figure to that of a young lady?

The doctor continued, "There are surgical things we could do also but not now. I like to make sure the boy's like their new roles first. Maybe for next summer. Okay, who's first?"

Lee laughed and said excitedly, "I will! Then I'll be the first to develop."

Dr. Stephens helped Lee up on the examination table, then prepared the pellet implant injector. I didn't say